13th Annual De Pere Area Chamber Golf Outing
Each foursome will golf 18 holes in this non-competitive scramble (carts are included). We kick off the day with a bloody Mary bar that is available before the shot-gun start. Once on the course, golfers can enjoy networking with our Hole Sponsors and participating in the various activities that they have set up. At the turn, golfers will be provided a delicious lunch. Throughout the day, beverage carts will be available.

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Date and Time
Monday Jul 18, 2022
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM CDT
- Join us to enjoy the Bloody Mary Bar
- All golfers need to be at their hole on the course at this time.
~3:00pm: Golfers wrap up. Grab another bite to eat while networking with other golfers.
Includes: • Two carts
• 18 holes of golf
• Two drink tickets
• Bloody Mary/mix drink ticket
• Lunch at the turn
• Dinner at the end of the event
Various sponsorship opportunities are available! Please contact info@deperechamber.org for more information.
Click here for a Full List of Sponsorships for Members and Non-Members
Title Sponsor: $1,500 (available to members only) - SOLD
The best exposure for your company. Brand yourself the leader of this popular event in our 11th year! Includes the naming rights of the golf outing (i.e. De Pere Chamber Golf Outing Presented by: _______), preferred parking, hole sponsorship Included, business name and logo on the flat at the green of sponsored hole, mentioned on our website, signage at the event, foursome, social media and newsletter presence, opportunity to co-emcee the auction and prize giveaways, logo included on all digital marketing.
Lunch Sponsor: $650 - SOLD
Your choice to provide breakfast or assist in funding lunch for golfers, preferred parking, opportunity to display company information or swag (i.e., flyers, coupons, apparel, etc.), social media and newsletter presence, signage at the event, mentioned on our website.
Eagle Sponsor: $550 for members, $600 for non-members (Limited Available)
Foursome, social media and newsletter presence, preferred parking, mentioned on our website, signage at the event, business name and logo on flat at green of sponsored hole
(Silent auction prize donation requested from all Eagle Sponsors).
Breakfast and/or Bloody Mary Bar Sponsor: $450 - SOLD
Your choice of breakfast or Bloody Mary Bar, opportunity to display company information or swag (i.e., flyers, coupons, apparel, etc.), social media and newsletter presence, signage at the event, mentioned on our website.
Hole Sponsor: $175 for members, $225 for non-members (Limited Available)
Business name and logo on sponsored hole and option to work your hole the day of the event, if desired (this is highly encouraged to get the most our of your sponsorship), mentioned/logo on our website, signage at the event.
Beverage Cart Sponsor: $200/cart (Two Available) - SOLD
Signage at the event (on beverage cart(s), mentioned on our website.
Do you have a creative sponsorship idea not listed? Feel free to give us a call! We want to support your business!
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