8th Annual Art in the Park | 2023
Event Sponsors
De Pere Chamber Proudly Presents our 8th Annual Art in the Park + Food Trucks Event
The purpose of this event is to share and promote art in our community.
This event is free to the public.
Yes, the Food Trucks are back!
We are also looking forward to adding Music and other Artistic forms to this event.
(6) Art in the Park | 2023 | Facebook
All vendors are responsible for their own personal and product liability. De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce and volunteer helpers assume no liability for injuries resulting from the artist?s business or products sold. Vendors will maintain their areas in safe conditions and will indemnify and hold harmless the De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce and The City of De Pere from injuries or damages, or claims of injuries or damages, sustained by any person in the vendor?s stall. All artists must email proof of insurance/insurance certificate to info@deperechamber.org for final acceptance of registration.
WI DOR requires that all temporary event operators and planners complete and submit a form S-240 June 2022 S-240 Wisconsin Temporary Event Report within 10 days of the event. We are required to complete Part C: Vendor Information for each vendor. Therefore, it is required that each vendor supplies us with their WI Seller's Permit Number (15 digits starting with 456), the last 4 digits of their SSN, the last 4 digits of their FEIN, the Legal Business Name (if not sole proprietor), Doing Business As (DBA) Name (If applicable), Vendor/Contact Name (Last & First), Vendor Phone Number, Full Mailing Address, and Email Address. If the vendor does not have a WI Seller Permit number and claims their sales are tax exempt, the vendor needs provide us the exempt code number they fall under (see below):
1 - Exempt sales only or display only
2 - Multi-Level Marketing Company pays sales tax
3 - Nonprofit occasional sales exemption
4 - Exempt occasional sales
FOR ARTISTS: Artists please sign up on this page. Please provide a description of your art products and indicate where the art is created.
Art must be original, locally handmade by you and cannot be commercial kits, prefabricated forms, purchased products, or direct sale items. The De Pere Chamber Art in the Park Committee reserves the right to approve or deny vendors based on criteria outlined in the guidelines.
Booths are 10'x 10' and WILL BE ASSIGNED according to your registration date! If you cannot stay with a 10'x10' space, you will need to purchase 2 booths adjacent spots. This event is rain or shine. No electricity is provided and artists are responsible for providing their own tents, tables, chairs, materials, displays, etc. Exhibitors receive all sales and proceeds and are responsible for collecting and reporting sales tax. Registrations are non-refundable. Art determined to not reflect the values of the Chamber must be removed at the request of the Chamber. Artists must provide their own help for transporting items to and from their booths, setting up their booths, and doing any heavy lifting.
FOR FOOD TRUCKS - Food Trucks please sign up on this page. Please provide a description of your food and your logo to kitty@deperechamber.org so we can promote your food truck. To guarantee your spot, there is a $50 deposit that must be paid no later than June 1, 2023. We can accept UP TO 6 FOOD TRUCKS ONLY!! Your registration fee will be returned to you when you arrive the day of the event.

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Date and Time
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Registration and set-up begins at 7:00 a.m. Artists are expected to be set up and at their booths by 8:45 a.m. The event opens to the public at 9 a.m. and ends at 2:00 p.m. Artists have from 2-3:00 p.m. to tear down.
Food Trucks are asked to arrive by 10am and be set-up and selling at your food trucks by 11am.
$50.00 per 10'x10' space if registered on or before May 31, 2023.
$75 per 10'x10' space if registering after May 31, 2023
Registration Deadline: June 17, 2023
Fees are non-refundable
$50.00 deposit required upon registration, which will be refunded to you the day of the event.
You should register the same as artists with your name, company, information, and deposit, etc. Food trucks are responsible for having proper food sales permits and licenses secured through the City of De Pere for participation.
By registering and paying the registration fee(s), I agree to abide by the De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce Art in the Park + Food Truck rules and guidelines. Furthermore, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to defend, pay on behalf of, indemnify and hold harmless the elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers and others working on behalf of De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce, and the City of De Pere, against any and all claims, demands, suits, or loss, including all costs connected therewith, and for any damages which may be asserted, claimed or covered against or from the City of De Pere and/or De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce, by reason of personal injury, including bodily injury or death and/or property damage, including the loss of use thereof, which arises or is in any way connected or associated with the De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce Art in the Park + Food Trucks. I also understand that the De Pere Area Chamber of Commerce' Art in the Park Committee reserves the right to refuse any product or application, for any reason. And I verify that information given in this registration is true and correct.
Contact Information
Kitty Johnson
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