Artless Bastard Gallery, a non profit gallery, is hosting the opening reception for represented Wisconsin artist, Alhaitham Jassar. His solo exhibit is titled “Our Aquatic Planet”. Artist Statement: “Nature is the mother of all inspiration, and awing the viewer with the beauty of our natural heritage is my ultimate goal, my mission, my passion. With that being said, nature can be seen from many different angles and points of view, which is why I choose to paint scenes that are different and tell a story. My paintings strive to depict a frozen moment of a glorious event of life in the natural world. Oil paint is such a powerful tool to transfer this beauty and record it onto a humble canvas. Showing my work and sharing my passion in my home state of Wisconsin is a big goal of mine. I consider it an honor and privilege. My sincere hope is that the viewer enjoys looking at my art as much as I enjoy making it. In addition to my current body of work, there is a new collection of paintings in the works which will feature SCUBA divers and snorkelers as a celebration of their efforts in preserving the underwater environment. “Dancing with the Shark” marks the first of the series.” Artless Bastard is committed to arts and culture in the community and is pleased to be the only gallery in Brown county who offers the opportunity for artists to be represented by an art gallery. You can view the represented artwork on our website
Thursday May 12, 2022
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Thursday May 12th from 6-8pm
353 Main Ave, De Pere, WI 54115
Free to attend
Alexis Arnold, President of Gallery
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566 Redbird Circle, De Pere, WI 54115-5931 – 920.334.6500 –