Events Calendar
Partner Event - Harvest Fest by Green Bay ER & Hospital
Supporting Partner of the Green Bay ER & Hospitals 2024 Harvest Fest! Wear your costume and join their team for a day of fall activies, food trucks, trick or treat, and more! Kids are encouraged to bring their favorite stuffed animal to receive a check-up to ensure they are healthy and ready to play! Face painting, dunk the doctor, local vendors, a bounce house, and more!
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsArts & CultureCommunity ServicesChamber Of CommerceInformation & EducationClubs/OrganizationsCommunity Eventshuman interestgeneral newsNetworking
Partner Event - Meat Raffle by Compassionate Home Health Care
Join CMMC to help fight against health and hygiene poverty. The day will include Robotics from the Green Eggs and Program, a 50/50 raffle, raffle baskets, door prizes, and more!
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsArts & CultureCommunity ServicesChamber Of CommerceInformation & EducationHolidayClubs/OrganizationsCommunity Eventshuman interestgeneral newsNetworking